Data protection

Since the beginning of Anders Medical Factoring, we attach great importance to the privacy of caregivers and their patients. After the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) on 25 May 2018, nothing has changed in the care with which we handle medical data. However, we have taken extra measures to prepare the entire organization for the AVG and to implement the (obligations from this) regulation within the organization.

Credit Exchange Group

Anders Medical Factoring is a subsidiary of the Credit Exchange Group in Rotterdam. The Credit Exchange Group has been leading for years when it comes to collecting invoices from debtors. For example, they work for T-Mobile, Vodafone, E.on, Otto and Essent. With the collection of receivables, the Credit Exchange Group processes a lot of personal data every day. In addition, she considers the privacy of debtors to be very important. Only the necessary and permitted data are used for the services for the customers. The data processing by the companies that are part of the Credit Exchange Group, including Anders Medical Factoring, have been reported to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Supervise and monitor

The Credit Exchange Group has appointed a privacy officer who internally supervises compliance with legislation and regulations regarding privacy. Other tasks of the privacy officer are monitoring policies that have been introduced and reporting possible data leaks. In addition, a security officer has been appointed who is responsible for the information security of the entire organization.

General Data Protection Regulation

Since May 25, 2018, one privacy law applies throughout the European Union. The Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp) no longer applies since that date. The Credit Exchange Group has conducted a project internally under the direction of a privacy lawyer to prepare the entire organization for the AVG and to implement the (obligations from this) regulation within the organization. Part of this project included (mandatory) privacy courses for all employees within the Credit Exchange Group and the registration of all data processing that takes place throughout the organization.

Privacy-by-design and privacy-by-default

The Credit Exchange Group has built a new system that takes into account the concepts of privacy-by-design and privacy-by-default that became mandatory when the AVG was introduced.

Privacy-by-design means that in the development of a system, privacy-enhancing measures are taken and that account is taken of data minimization.

Privacy-by-default means that the default settings in a system are set to the most privacy-friendly setting.

Privacy statement

As a factoring company, Anders Medical Factoring processes medical personal data and is therefore responsible for the correct processing of these data. We describe how we do this in our so-called ‘privacy statement’. Click here to view our complete privacy statement. Privacy remains an important issue within the Credit Exchange Group, especially after the introduction of the AVG. The developments in the field of privacy are continuously monitored and adjustments are made where necessary to ensure the protection of personal data of debtors (but also of customers and employees).