About mijnAndersnota.nl

MijnAndersnota.nl is the debtor portal of Anders Medical Factoring. Anders Medical Factoring takes over the entire debtor management of healthcare providers.

This means that we don’t only send and collect invoices, but also submit declarations to the various health insurers. It’s that easy!

Our billing process is arranged as friendly as possible. If, for example, you can not pay the invoice amount at once, we offer a free payment arrangement. You can also request (temporary) deferment of payment. If the invoice is not paid on time, a collection or bailiff process will follow. Even then we remain friendly and work on a flexible solution (for example by not directly charging the maximum collection costs). You will have plenty of time to pay the invoice and will always be treated nicely and correctly.

Our patient desk is available at local rates and is manned by specially trained staff members. This way, everyone always gets the attention they deserve!